3 super steps on how to get your ex's back

3 super steps on how to get your ex's back

Hi, I am Desmond Obere over the next 2 minutes I will reveal a ingenious little trick that would lead your ex to come back to you.

As human being our primal brain has one core primary function.it wants to gain pleasure and avoid pains and it like this huge database of memories it records every event, every experience and labels them as a pleasurable or painful. A relationship works in a similar fashion too,which means your ex's primal brain kept a note of all the pleasurable and painful experience she shared with you

therefor when your break-up occurred, regardless of what the major cause might have been. And what you said to each other the underlying cause was this - the number of painful events your ex experience around you outweighed the number of pleasurable events .... And as a result her primal brain force fed feelings of disinterest, misery and irritation in her body.

 Because of this, she erected what I call the "GREAT WALL OF DEFENSE ANS SELF JUDGE" because your presence gave birth to a mixture of negative emotions in her body. In short, she stopped feeling good in your presence and to avoid further pain, she/ he started avoiding you.  However, you know I said that our primal brain is like a database of memories and it's records everything. Just like a memory trail of poor experience, your ex primal brain also has a large recollection of pleasurable experience she or he once share with you.so basically nothing, nothing ever gets deleted from the memory bank and you can easily force her primal brain to shift it's focus from the negative to the positive.

 Once this happens you will witness that the negative tension between you and her or him will start to melt. She will suddenly become a lot more curious about you than ever before and will miss the life she once had with you. After a little time, her feelings for you will intensify to crazy levels and she or he will feel this overwhelming urge to get back with you.

 Moreover, the best thing is that she or him would have absolutely no clue that you're the one influencing her brain because to her or him, it will feel as if getting back together is her or him own decision. This is the primary reason why coupls who went through an abusive, painful and a very messy divorce are able to get through a neutral position. And eventually are able to feel a new level of attraction once again to patch up late on.

 Logically speaking, when you're shared a very dreadful experience with someone, it should be permanent.however, our emotion's and feelings are never permanent and they easily shift from pleasant to negative and back to pleasant again based on where your primal brain is focused. This is the same reason why people who cheated and felt that their relationship was dead, still manage to get a second chance with their lover.

 So the bottom line is that the primal brain can be influenced to shift it's attention from paniful memories to the pleasurable memories in a matter of minutes. Therefore, you can control how you want your ex to feel about you. But now the big question is - how do u influence your ex's primal brain? Well, there are

3 very simple steps to win him/her back

STEP 1 -  first you must soften their defense by bringing their primal brain to a neutral position.... Right now, your Ex probably believes that being with you will lead to horror and the past might repeat itself. Therefore frist you need to prove to her primal brain that being with you is the best possible choice she could ever make by forcing it's attention away from the negative towards a neutral position, secondly, after the break up give each other a little time alest 4 months.

STEP 2 - you next to make yourself appears irresistibly interesting..... This will force your ex's primal to shift the attention from the neutral to the positive. At this stage you're ex will have absolutely no way of stopping images of you from interrupting her thoughts.

STEP 3 - finally you need to make yourself appears completely irreplaceable..... You will do this by turning yourself into a fulfill factor and a semi god for all her needs. She has to know that there is absolutely no alternative to you because at that point her mind will be infuse with such an intense feeling of loss.... That she won't just want and desire you, rather she will actually need you back in her life . This will turn the very ideas of getting you back into her most urgent goal and her body will throb with a disturbing level of need for you. 


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